A leader is a person who other people want to follow. Just taking a leadership position is not so difficult, but becoming someone who, by their example and behaviour, does not allow doubts about the right to lead, is a lot of work. Few people are born with these skills, but in most cases, they can be mastered.
In the course of the development of civilization, the requirements for a leader only increased. And now there are more of them than 100 years ago. But among them, there are those that are relevant at all times. We highlight the most important skills that distinguish successful leaders from everyone else.

When the posture is open, we perceive the world through confidence and self-sufficiency. Of course, you can perceive everything through closeness, which gave rise to pain, resentment and fear. It cannot be a leadership position to look at the world through the prism of fear, mistrust and constant doubt. It takes away from posture and openness. Openness is how you look at the world and interact with it. At all times, posture is a marker of status and the right to influence and lead. Since then, the perception of posture as an indicator of status and influence has not changed, and if you want to be trusted and followed, keep your posture! Whether you press the 22Bet Login button to play various games, always maintain your posture. In addition, deployed shoulders are courage and openness.
Emotional intelligence
This is the ability to recognize emotions, empathize, feel the interlocutor and build your communication in accordance with this. The voice is a large part of emotional intelligence, since it is directly related to emotions, or rather, the voice is a reflection of emotions. And emotions – this is what evokes a response, feelings and encourages action. Man is so arranged that emotions prevail over the content. And either we hear and transmit the reflection of our emotions, and then our environment believes us and perceives us as a leader. Or we suppress them, hide them, suppress them and make our voice flat, nasal, monotonous, stifled. And then no matter how high the level of intelligence is, and no matter how interesting the content is, it is not possible to hear it, and the person is perceived as boring and boring.

Another skill that a leader needs to master. A leader must be able to package his thoughts and convey them to people in a logical and understandable way. There are not so many ways of thinking, it is important to know and be able to use them, depending on what kind of people are in front of you. Understanding your way of thinking and the ways of thinking of other people, being able to combine them in your speech, you can always agree and make your speech accessible to perception. Ways of thinking are called “topic” and these are place, time, definitions, cause-and-effect relationship, qualities, signs. Learn to use them, and then everyone will hear in your speech what will affect him and will be close and understandable to him.